
One App to Manage
Everything, Anywhere.

Enjoy the convenience of controlling, monitoring, and scheduling all your home devices through your smartphone from anywhere in the world.

Download eGlu Smart Home App



eGlu Smart Home App

Single point of control

Discover a unified platform that can help you control and manage your securitiy products, lighting, and other appliances through a single App.

Easy to use

eGlu Smart Home App is designed for everyone to use effortlessly. Our interface and functions are simple, clear, and convenient

Quick integration with voice assistants

Our app and Smart Hub can intergrate with voice assistants seamlessly. Easily use your Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, or Apple Siri to voice command your smart home

Dedicated customer assistance

We believe that good relationships come from good experiences. Our smart home specialists are dedicated in helping you find the best smart home experiences. They are here to help you fix your home automation issues with utmost delight and professionalism.

Manage Your Smart Home

with the eGlu App


Explore the various smart possibilites with eGlu

Experience more with eGlu Smart Home Solutions

Schedule a FREE demo and find out how our smart home automation solutions fit your needs

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We believe that good relationships come from good experiences. Our smart home specialists are dedicated in helping you find the best smart home experiences.readmore They are here to help you fix your home automation issues with utmost delight and professionalism.

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