
The Best Ways to Build a Smart Home

“It (the internet) will be part of your presence all the time. Imagine, you walk into a room, and the room is dynamic. And with your permission and all of that, you are interacting with the things going on in the room.”

These are not just any random person’s words. These are the words of former Google CEO and Chairman, Eric Schmidt. And it is not just Schmidt who’s making this prediction of the future. A number of luminaries, visionaries, and leaders in the science and business spheres have predicted the coming wave of IoT.

The Growing Trend Towards Home Automation

We started with phones being smart, but now, we move towards a truly connected and ‘smarter’ world. According to the reputed statistics website, Statista, the total installed base of IoT connected devices will be 75.44 billion by 2025. And amongst the coming waves of IoT, home automation is projected to be an extremely significant segment.

The concept of smart homes is gaining increasing traction in developed as well as developing markets alike. The Indian smart home market is projected to generate 7,189 million US dollars by 2023.

Home automation

Home Automation: The Basics

We, at eGlu, envision to develop smart homes for our customers, which are not only convenient but also highly secure, while at the same time, helping you save energy and costs through automation. Through this blog, we want to shed light on smart homes at the fundamental level, the different approaches to home automation, and the advantages of each approach. This is so you, as consumers, can make informed decisions when you create your very own smart home.

At the fundamental level, smart homes allow you to control the appliances, lighting, climate, and security systems in your home through your smartphones. The process of making your home smart is known as home automation. Ultimately, all the smart devices are connected to a central hub and monitored through a smartphone or a tablet in your home.

The exciting thing about implementing a good home automation system is that it not only offers you a seamless experience, but it also allows you to control your home remotely while optimising your electricity bill.

Smart homes

The Different Ways of Automating Your Home

There are ways and levels for home automation. One of the simplest and cheapest ways is to start your home automation is with the lights. Smart light bulbs are available dime-a-dozen in the market. With a simple, smart hub system like eGlu, you can control all the lights from your mobile. This is especially useful if you are forgetful about switching off the lights.

Another way for home automation is to connect the doors and locks, along with the lights to your home automation system. In that way, you can stop worrying about doors accidentally left unlocked.

A more elaborate way of home automation is to automate high consumption devices, such as your refrigerator, geyser, etc. The main benefit of home automation at this level is the optimisation of electricity consumption and hence the bill. It is considered the next level because of two reasons. Firstly, the plugs will need to be smart. Secondly, you will need to buy smart refrigerators and geysers for full ‘smart’ capabilities.

Finally, the complete way to install a home automation system is to combine all the ways mentioned above and add security monitoring features to your system. In this way, you get a completely automated, centrally controlled, secure smart home. However, it does come at a high cost to make your home ‘smart’ in one go.

Advantages of Home Automation

Now that you have understood what Smart Homes are, their advantages, and the various ways of building a Smart Home, let’s come to how you can easily build one? Smart Homes carry a lot of advantages as you have seen. But, the benefits of home automation also create certain barriers that need to be overcome. The more connected your home is, the more the need to maintain bullet-proof cyber security. Furthermore, building a smart home carries initial costs, in case you are buying new smart devices for your home. Finally, getting used to home automation is also a huge barrier.

Why eGlu?

Fortunately, eGlu has built a home automation solution that gives you all the advantages of smart homes while ensuring all the barriers are overcome, and you get the best of both the popular approaches of home automation. The hardware devices that we offer come as part of a Do-It-Yourself solution. We have spared no expense or effort on cyber security to ensure that your home is not only smart but also secure. Our in-wall switch modules ensure that you do not need to replace existing switches for lights and fans. Using the smart hub, we provide a single point of control to get the benefits of a central home automation system and the app-based smart home.

Home automation products

A convenient Smart Home with top-notch security, plug-and-play features, and great energy savings awaits. But remember that there are various ways to go for Home Automation. You can start with just the lights, or go for the heavier devices, such as the Geyser and Refrigerator, or you can automate the doors and locks. Whatever you choose, home automation is something you should consider to do to make your life easier! Come and become a part of the Home Automation revolution at myeglu.com!

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